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  • Writer's pictureSumbella

Sharing Ideas and Resources for the New School Year

[#ontheroad & #backtoschool] Hydro (the water bottle) and I have just landed in #Cairo. (I haven’t been here since March 2020!). And as I was shuffled into my taxi just now, the man helping with my luggage said, “I’ll help you with your little bags for your small holiday, lady.” I chuckled and felt kind of cool when I said - no holiday for me - I’m here on official business. 😎

As I speed along these roads of Cairo, in the week ahead I’ll be working with the teachers here to help share ideas and have learning experiences around maximising the use of their Cambridge University Press Education #resources.

Ahead of these sessions, for me and so many of you welcoming students back this week, I couldn’t help but laugh even more at this accurate video of how you will find me prepping before each session I deliver this week.

Let’s go, folks! #backtoschool2023 

Credit/source: via hello.miss.Darlene on TikTok (I think) + source link:

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