[#quoteoftheday] "No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle." - Winston Churchill. At a glance, this one seems like it's simply about horse riding. But I think it's also about putting the hours in, doing the learning, and honing the craft of whatever skill you're working on.
Along with that, I like it so much as a good reminder to not feel guilty about pursuing your hobbies.
I have read that Churchill was unapologetic about his love of horses and used to spend massive amounts of time and money on them.
And I'm finding more and more that learning a new hobby is one thing that it's good to shed guilt about.
Because hobbies have an unbelievably high return on a general sense of contentedness in life.
So no hour spent on nurturing a hobby you love, just for the love of it, is wasted.
What skill are you learning, just for the fun of it?
P.S. happy September! My favourite month. 🤣