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  • Writer's pictureSumbella

Maximising Productivity Amidst Year-End

[#productivity + #timeoff] What’s a great way to make sure you get lots done in a short time frame? Book time off at the most awkward time in the school year - oh you know, say a week or so before school’s out. 🤪

Typically I wouldn’t dream of taking leave this week, but the #Orchard clan has a gathering in a far off land for a shindig… and it was now or never, folks.

I know many of you - especially #teachers, are, like me and Margi Kulsoom Orchard, frantic with trying to wrap things up before the summer holidays. 😰

So this is to say: the end is in sight! ✨💪

You may find you are at peak productivity levels right now. So ride the wave! And good luck with your end of school year shenanigans. I hope, amidst the chaos, you can enjoy, leverage the deadline and mustered energy, hopefully while having a chuckle along the way.

Things that happen when I reach panic point before travel:

+ I drink copious amounts of tea

+ I eat hot cross buns instead of proper food

+ I pop one too many gulabjamans (a sweet treat)

+ I hide in a corner (in my mind)

Now.. please excuse me while I peel myself out of said corner and panic pack. You know I am a reluctant traveler: I only go places for loved ones or work. Yet given the amount I travel, this should really not be so difficult by this point.

Chalo. Let’s go! (Any advice on packing tips - I’m all ears). 🤪

P.S. Any guesses for where we’re headed? I’ve never been to this country before.

Clue: It’s so far from Dubai. It has a long and intense winter, which should hopefully be done by the time we get there. Will you join for the adventure? 🙌✨

📸Photo: fuel today - hot cross buns and tea.😬

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