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  • Writer's pictureSumbella

Fostering Growth Through Mistakes

[#facilitation + #mistakes] A couple of ideas and quotes I shared this week were about the importance of questions - and making it safe for learners and delegates to ask them.

Today I remembered it’s also important to make it safe for delegates or learners to answer questions too - and make mistakes when doing so. 😬

In my sessions today, I asked lots of questions, and there were often lots of different answers.

When a couple of them differed from the expected answer, I shared that I appreciate when people are brave to share their ideas even if they weren’t sure.


👍🏾Because it makes everyone check their own thinking more thoroughly.

We can simply share something like: ‘it’s ok to make a mistake - in fact, let's welcome them!’. This is really important for delegates and learners alike to hear from a facilitator or teacher.

It shows you clues to what needs to be retaught and covered again.

And it gives space for deeper learning to happen.

As one of the teachers shared:

'Even in the word ‘mistake’, we take something!’


Today was Day #3️⃣ of Stirling Schools' training programme this week. Mohammed Salm Karim and Sercan Oz - wi-fives to you both! 🙌 Onward to the finale tomorrow. 🙋🏻‍♀️

✨P.S. Let’s get to choosing the name of my water tank tomorrow? Thanks for all the suggestions, folks. 💦😄 

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