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  • Writer's pictureSumbella

Celebrating Father Figures: A Thank You to Uncle Len and All the Marvelous Men

[#celebration🎉] One doesn’t need to have a biological link to appreciate someone who may have been a positive and supportive father figure. Many men who become teachers become a kind of father figure for some students.

 #UncleLen was a teacher and a father figure for me - and it makes me glad that there are now lots of stories under his hashtag here for those who knew him to read and enjoy.

Today I send a #thankyou to him and to all of the men who do a stellar job at being role models and pillars of strength and support in our world.

I celebrate the brave and #marvellousmen who step up to do jobs in our society that keep expanding, upgrading, protecting and securing things for us all.

Happy Father’s Day. 🙏🏼✨

P.S. for those following the travels: #Hydro and I have reached Edmonton, #Canada - and the Orchard clan has been reunited after several years - more than 25+ for me and my cousins, most who I’ve never met until now.

Feeling #grateful 🙌🏼✨

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