Free Articles
This page contains many articles I've written over the years in pursuit of learning, reflection, and personal development.
Themes include productivity, wellbeing, teaching, defusing bullying, culture, heritage, facilitation & more.
You will find that some of these posts are originally published on LinkedIn.
A small productivity tip to keep aligned with your monthly focus
An unusual way to save lots of time and energy: learn to type using all ten fingers
5 lasting ways to start taking care of and strengthening your teeth
3 simple ways to start taking care of your eyes and prevent your vision from getting worse
Natural ways to prevent illness and heal when sick
Note: your 'cherry bakewell' doesn't have to be food
"Cherry bakewell time": why you need it to find your glow
How I use my daily planner with its timing sheet (6am-10pm)
Glow philosophy: 'When you are glowing you can see where you're going'
Part #4 of 4 - Three steps to your new year, called the past, the present and the future
Part #3 of 4: What type of planner are you?
Part #2 of 4: How to plan from the heart
Part #1 of 4: How to plan for problems and chaos
When you forget which character it is...
Just when you thought you learned all the ways to say 'I can' in Chinese...
A new belief, and 3 important tools for learning Chinese
Teacher = Motivator
Yes, you can. 你可以!
加油 | Add oil, keep building your skills
3 simple tech tips that bring joy by saving you time