Free Articles
This page contains many articles I've written over the years in pursuit of learning, reflection, and personal development.
Themes include productivity, wellbeing, teaching, defusing bullying, culture, heritage, facilitation & more.
You will find that some of these posts are originally published on LinkedIn.
Overcoming Tiredness: Tips for Energising Teacher Workshops
Empowering Teachers in PD Sessions
Back from the Mountains: Diving into MENA Orientation Training
A Week of Growth and Learning
Tech Success: Enhancing Training Sessions with Teams
Facilitation Reflections
Magic in the Classroom: The Power of Teaching
Teaching and Learning Using Cambridge Resources
Facilitating with Fun: Adding Humour to Learning Experiences
Fire Drills to Coffee Shop Collaborations
Network & Learn Event in Jeddah
To shuffle, or not to shuffle? That is the question.